Category Archives: Good News Letter

APRIL 2024

Dear Friends, 

 Many people around this time of year will be celebrating Easter. When I think about the significance of Easter—meaning Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection, I am reminded of an incident that occurred many years ago…   

Although I was a believer, I had fallen into bondage and had been there for quite some time. I was so locked up inside I could not escape! I prayed earnestly for about a year…then one morning around 4am I awoke in my bed. I looked up at the black ceiling and I had an open vision. It was not a “dream” as I was fully awake! I saw Jesus hanging on the Cross. I could not see His face due to the immense light that shone around it. I noticed a dead lamb draped around His neck. I pointed to it and acknowledged to the Lord, “That’s me, isn’t it?” He replied, “Yes.” Then continuing, He said, “You see, when I died, you died with me and when I rose again, you rose with me, and I gave you new life…MY LIFE.” Colossians 2:11-14 confirms this…   

  “Through our union with him, we have experienced circumcision of heart. All of the guilt and power of sin has been cut away and is now extinct because of what Christ, the Anointed One, has accomplished for us. For we’ve been buried with him into his death. Our “baptism into death” also means we were raised with him when we believed in God’s resurrection power, the power that raised him from death’s realm. This “realm of death” describes our former state, for we were held in sin’s grasp.  But now, we’ve been resurrected out of that “realm of death” never to return, for we are forever alive and forgiven of all our sins! He canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation.” (TPT) 

 WOW! Thinking about what Jesus said to me, I suddenly realized the magnitude and weight of my sins. I was in awe that He could bear it. Then I gasped when I realized He took the punishment for the sins of everyone in the world. When I comprehended the magnitude of His sacrifice, I asked Him, “How could you bear all that?” His reply was short and simple, “BECAUSE I AM GOD!” Then the vision disappeared, and I was left in such awe and wonderment! When Jesus died on the Cross it wasn’t just some historical event or a theory—it actually happened and the work of the Cross still stands firm today!

Soon afterward I was miraculously delivered and healed! Oh, what a mighty God we have! He is so kind and forgiving and is patient with us even when we make the same mistakes over and over again. But it is to our benefit that we stop and take His hand of grace TODAY because we are the ones who suffer at our own hands! It doesn’t have to continue this way! You can BEGIN AGAIN with Him! All is NOT lost…it’s just beginning for you if you will surrender your life to Him! 

In His Loving Name, 

Life With Father Ministries 


“So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23 (TPT) 

The word “heart” used in this verse includes our thoughts, our wills, our discernment, and our affections. The New Century version says it this way… “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.” The meaning of the word “wellspring” in the first version is the Hebrew word “yasa” which means “seasons,” especially springtime. So, you could say that; out of the heart flow the seasons of life. And if your heart is tender to God, you can live in perpetual springtime! 

Taking care of your inner person is crucial because the health of your inner person determines how you navigate your outward circumstances (whether successful or not)! Have you ever considered that where you are in life today has everything to do with the way you think? Have you realized the fact that maybe you have neglected or abused your own mind and emotions? Have you allowed yourself to accumulate and circulate garbage in your mind that is of no use or profit to you? The way you think has everything to do with what your life looks like! Your thought life also affects how you believe. But the GOOD NEWS is that you can change your mind! Your attitude and overall health can change. You can start over and become a brand-new person with a bright future.  

Now, you might be a very nice and polite person, but still, your small, natural way of thinking must change if you want more out of life! Feelings of frustration occur in your life because it’s signaling to you that there is way more to life than where you are now!

But getting rid of the toxic thoughts does not occur overnight. You didn’t get where you are today instantly. No, it was a steady process of wrong thinking and behaving over the course of years that led you to the place where you are today. Do you realize that when you harbor and regurgitate painful thoughts and ugly memories, holding on to unforgiveness and bitterness, you are only hurting yourself? The inner turmoil you inflict upon yourself must stop! Think about what you are doing…it’s like sitting in the driver’s seat of your life with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. You are just spinning your wheels and going nowhere! Your thoughts and attitudes must change so that your mind can heal and your life can be restored. 

Philippians 4:6-9 gives us specific instructions and examples of how we should think and behave… “Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks. And God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus…think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected. Do what you learned and received from me, what I told you, and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you.  (GNT) 

Allow yourself to think about good things such as what you are thankful for. Make a list of them and read them to yourself every day. As you read them, thank the Lord for all He has done. What has He done for you??? Maybe you feel as though He’s done nothing for you! You may feel as if you are in a precarious place right now like you’re dangling from a cliff’s edge! The truth is that it’s worse than that! If you do not have God now, you will die and suffer eternal separation from Him forever! 


But the Lord has wonderful timing don’t you think? Even if you don’t love yourself, God DOES! He has brought this message of HOPE to your attention! This is His way of giving you another chance to take His invitation for a better life here and beyond! Take His hand of Salvation and thank Him for yet another chance to make the right decision to turn around to face His goodness!! 

Following are some important tips in helping you regain a sound, healthy mind… Don’t replay old hurts or angry moments. The only reason you would need to rethink them is to possibly make amends to someone you injured or forgive someone who has injured you. If you know you need to apologize to someone, do so at the earliest moment. If you need to forgive, then sincerely forgive, pray for the person who injured you, and then let it go! After you have made amends where possible, the situation is now resolved so there’s no need to replay it in your mind. Like changing the channel on a bad TV program, the remote is in YOUR hands and you can control these thoughts! Practice changing your attention to something constructive like the TRUTH of God’s Word! Replace the old worthless thoughts with the new powerful Words and thoughts of God!  

Don’t get stuck in self-centered, self-absorbed, and small-minded ways of thinking only of yourself because you will never find satisfaction and fulfillment that way. Trying to satiate oneself is like trying to fill a black hole—there is no bottom, so it can never be filled. There is nothing in this world that can compare with knowing Jesus personally and walking in your God-given purpose. There is nothing that can satisfy you and give you deep joy and abiding peace as experiencing Jesus daily.  

As you practice the basic Christian principles outlined below, you can move on to greater things! Like a student, search and research these things, put the Scriptures to memorization, and put them into practice and you will be on your way to discovering and fulfilling your divine purpose! And as you pursue the things that are pleasing to the Lord, He will pave a solid secure path before you. You can be certain that this kind of investment will provide a solid return!  

Today, may the Lord strengthen your heart and mind as you hold fast to the truth that Jesus is Who He is and does what He says He will do! What do you need to do to demonstrate your faith in Him today? Here are just a few examples… 

  • Read your Bible every day. 
  • Pray honestly and with sincerity. 
  • Tell God how you feel and ask Him to help you think the way He thinks. Ask Him for His peace. 
  • Think of ways you can be a blessing to others. 
  • Pray for others, not just yourself and your family. 
  • Ask God to enable you daily to behave in a Christ-like manner. 
  • Forgive everyone and don’t blame anyone else for your own actions (or lack of action.) Take responsibility for your own life.  
  • Don’t speak negatively—agree with God’s powerful, faith-filled Word. 
  • Don’t worry about anything—give your worries to God and ask Him to help you every day.
  • Find a good church.
  • Get connected with other Christians who can support and pray with you.     


When speaking with Nicodemus in John chapter 3, Jesus said to him, “‘I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.’ ‘What do you mean?’ exclaimed Nicodemus… Jesus replied, ‘I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’” (John 3:37 NLT)   

Being Born Again is just the beginning of a lifelong relationship with God. The beginning of any healthy relationship is honesty. Clearly, you are out of step and out of touch with God and you need to admit that. Once you admit you are a sinner, you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness so that you can be reconciled to Him.   

Right now, Jesus is pursuing you and wants to bless and love you like you’ve never been loved before! Perhaps you know you don’t deserve such kindness and yet that is why Jesus died on the Cross. He paid for your sin and now He simply invites you into an incredible relationship of honesty and trust. Then He promises that, once you physically die, you will join Him in heaven! Have you been Born Again by the Spirit of the living God? If not, why don’t you make that decision today? With all sincerity of heart, pray the “Prayer of Salvation below and ask the Lord to give you the gift of new life!   


Dear Jesus, I’m so sorry for all the things I’ve done up until this day. The punishment for sin is certainly death. (Romans 6:23) But You took my place and died so that I could be free from selfishness and sin and have eternal life. I acknowledge that You died for me and I accept Your death as payment for my sins. Please, Jesus, come into my life, make me new, and be my Lord and Savior. Teach me how to have a relationship with you. Guide me and strengthen me to do what is right so that I can live pleasing to you. Thank you, Jesus, for Your great sacrifice on the Cross. Thank you for giving me eternal life! Amen. 


  • Quiet your mind. Remove all the busy thoughts from your mind that distract you from the Lord. 
  • Focus your mind. Worship helps you acknowledge and focus on God when you meet with Him. Just as in any relationship, you must focus on the other person. 
  • Pray your mind. You were not designed to carry burdens. You were designed to cast or throw them on the Lord. Prayer is the transference of the burden from your shoulders to the Lord’s. 
  • Renew your mind. Read the Word of God in a version you can understand. God understands your heart and desires for you to share it with Him. 

MARCH 2024

Dear Friends,

It was a remarkably warm and comforting funeral service. If you had to sum up my father-in-law in one word it would have to be “integrity”. Father Dutel conducted the service and gave a sermon on integrity that was so simple yet so profound! These aren’t his exact words but what I wrote down.

He said the word “integrity” comes from the word “integer”.  In math, an integer is a whole number not a fraction. A person of integrity is one whose speech and life are not fractured—they are one in the same. They do what they say and say what they do. Wow! And Fred was certainly a man of integrity—he was a man of his word. And it is people like Fred who keep those around them grounded and secure leaving a legacy of goodness.

David knew what was in his wake! He stated, Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life” Psalm 23:6 (NIV)

How will people remember you when you’re gone? What kind of spiritual and moral legacy are you leaving for the next generation? Whether you realize it or not as we all travel through this life, we are leaving something behind in our wake. In the physical world we call it footprints but in the lives of others it’s called an “impression”. Whether it is a good, godly impression or something else, we are leaving an influential legacy behind.

If we realize we are living our lives haphazardly, at any time we can CHOOSE a different path. It really is simply a choice we make. One path leads to eternal life and a heritage of integrity and honor while the other path leads to destruction with tragedy and suffering in its wake.

With that said, do you know where you are in your life’s journey today? Maybe you’ve made your share of detours and mistakes and ended up lost in a dark place? Wilderness experts have an acronym for what to do when a person finds themselves lost—it’s called STOP: Stop, Think, Observe, andPlan.

In the following pages we are going to look at these four points in detail and see how they relate to our spiritual journey! And if we feel lost, we’ll look at how to get on and stay on the path that leads home!

In His Loving Name,

Life With Father Ministries


The first thing that wilderness experts say to do when you realize you are lost and confused is to stop moving. The urge is to run to try and find the trail you started on. Don’t do it. Chances are that in your panic you’ll get even more lost or hurt yourself as you go flailing through the woods.

Let’s examine what it looks like to be lost in life by studying David’s example in Psalm 32… “Before I confessed my sins, I kept it all inside; my dishonesty devastated my inner life, causing my life to be filled with frustration, irrepressible anguish, and misery. The pain never let up, for your hand of conviction was heavy on my heart. My strength was sapped, my inner life dried up like a spiritual drought within my soul. Then I finally admitted to you all my sins, refusing to hide them any longer. I said, ‘My life-giving God, I will openly acknowledge my evil actions.’ And you forgave me! All at once the guilt of my sin washed away and all my pain disappeared!” (TPT)

Never underestimate the power of confession and forgiveness to get you back on the right path! David had pent up sin that devastated his inner life causing him to be filled with frustration, irrepressible anguish and misery. Holding on to sin that we committed (unconfessed sin) or that others committed against us (unforgiveness) will cause an excruciating amount of pain and turmoil in our lives.

If you are struggling with unconfessed sin or bitterness due to unforgiveness, isn’t it time to clear the slate of your heart? You can do this by confessing the things you’ve done wrong and forgive those who have wronged you. The Holy Spirit will help you in this endeavor as you reach out to Him in prayer. And your prayers will not be in vain…The Lord is always ready to respond to the prayer of the repentant soul! Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to all whose hearts are crushed by pain, and he is always ready to restore the repentant one.” (TPT)


The second wilderness tip in helping us find the right path is to think! In order to think clearly we must release our panic and anxiety to the Lord! The Lord tells us to, “Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God.” Psalm 68:19 (TPT)

Worry and fear can be a constant weight in the back of our minds causing us torment and unrest! The WORST thing to do when weighed down by troubles is to run faster to try and escape them! Have you noticed yet that that doesn’t work? The problems never go away. Once the anesthesia wears off, the weight and pain of what you’re running from only intensifies. No matter how heavy or complicated your situation is, the process is still the same. Stop running, stop ignoring your issues or trying to find a way around your problems but SURRENDER yourself to the Lord and receive His wonderful guidance and peace!

There are various reasons why people can have a hard time releasing their burdens and worries to the Lord. Most of it is just plain wrong thinking! When we carry these problems around, we are essentially saying, “the Cross is not enough” and feel we need to add to the work of the Cross by carrying our burdens around ourselves. Didn’t Jesus already carry our burdens on the Cross on our behalf? Speaking of Jesus, Isaiah 53:10-12 explains what really occurred at the Cross—it was payment for all of mankind’s sin and remains in effect TODAY!

The Lord says, “It was my will that he should suffer; his death was a sacrifice to bring forgiveness. And so he will see his descendants; he will live a long life, and through him my purpose will succeed. After a life of suffering, he will again have joy; he will know that he did not suffer in vain. My devoted servant, with whom I am pleased, will bear the punishment of many and for his sake I will forgive them. And so I will give him a place of honor, a place among the great and powerful. He willingly gave his life and shared the fate of evil men. He took the place of many sinners and prayed that they might be forgiven.” (GNT)

Today we suffer for the sins we refuse to repent of. As long as we engage in sin, we will endure the consequences of it. But the GOOD NEWS is that there is a way to get free from both sin and the penalty of it! You don’t have to continue along that tormenting road! No matter how far down the wrong path you’ve gone, you can still turn around and return to your loving Father. You can be healed from your physical, emotional and mental woundseven your self-inflicted wounds! You don’t have to live in the pain of your past mistakes since Jesus died to exonerate you! As soon as you acknowledge the wrongs you’ve done and ask for forgiveness, the healing process can begin.

Don’t surrender underneath your anxiety but surrender your anxiety to the Lord. Then you will experience His peace that will keep your soul at rest so that you can think clearly!


The third tip when you find yourself lost and confused is to look around you and find higher ground. Moving to a summit or a ridgeline provides perspective and broadens one’s horizons. From a higher vantage point, we can see more options. Let’s look at what it means to look for and find life’s “higher ground”.

When stressed or worried, we tend to run to things that make us temporarily feel good or forget the problem. Things such as alcohol or drugs, over-spending, over-eating, gambling and even pursuing relationships with dysfunctional and ungodly people give us the illusion of relief but they never actually fix the problems. And so, things continue to weigh us down. But there’s a better way to live! Wanting to feel and be secure is one of our most fundamental needs. And God has already provided for that need through Jesus, our living Lord. (Hebrews 10:19-23)

When David was afraid, he wrote in Psalm 61:2, From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (NIV) The word “Rock” means: a rock with a flat surface. When you don’t know where you are going—when life is as volatile and unsteady as a road filled with potholes, you can trust Him to guide you by His truth.

Again, David wrote in Psalm 27:11, “Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.” (KJV) The word plain here means “level place.” Enemies lie, deceive and try to trip us up, but Jesus guides us by truth which is solid and secure! Jesus IS that flat surface—a secure place of safety for us that never changes. So put your trust in Someone who is much higher than yourself! Invest in your relationship with the Lord for in times of trouble He will be a strong refuge for your soul to run to and find strength! If you are struggling today, then go to Him in heartfelt prayer before you go to anything or anyone else. He will not give you the illusion of security but will give you an assurance of His faithfulness and make you truly free from fear of every kind!


The fourth wilderness tip in helping you find the path of life is to consider your options and make a plan. In order to find your best option/s in life is to find and FOLLOW GOD’S PLAN for your life. Let’s look at that more closely… “I hear the Lord saying, ‘I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the pathway for your life.  I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide. So don’t make it difficult; don’t be stubborn when I take you where you’ve not been before. Don’t make me tug you and pull you along. Just come with me!’” Psalm 32:8-9 (TPT)

Take time to pay attention and listen for God’s wisdom today in the Scriptures as well as other messages presented to you. Could it be that God is speaking to you right now, through this Newsletter? Also, ask the Lord to confirm His direction for your life so that you can be sure of it. And know this… it will NEVER be too difficult to understand the Lord’s direction. Remember how God directed Abraham to leave his country and go to a place God would show him? Remember that Abraham left home “not knowing where he was going? And yet he entered and lived in that promised land! (Gen.12)

Hebrews 11:8-9 says that, “By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God’s call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By an act of faith, he lived in the country promised him…”  (MSG)

Without a compass, map or GPS system, God was able to communicate to Abraham in such a way that Abraham understood and moved forward with surety and confidence. Keep in mind that Abraham’s journey was not just physical but spiritual as well. And the journey we are describing here is anINNER journey of living with a clean (cleansed) conscious and having a pure heart (unselfish intentions). And like Abraham, the Lord is taking us all on a journey from the familiar to the unfamiliar. But just because it’s unfamiliar doesn’t mean it has to be scary…it’s just unfamiliar! Think of the unfamiliar as something far, far greater, more liberating and more glorious than you’ve ever imagined! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, He wants to transform our corrupt, disobedient nature into the kind of person just like Him which is incorruptibly pure in thought, word, and deed. And though it can be uncomfortable at times, we must trust Him for He certainly knows what He’s doing! He says in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” (MSG)

Following God’s plan for your life doesn’t have to be difficult. It only feels constraining for the one who wants his/her own way. Let go of what you think you want so that God can give you something far greater!


If you have never asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior—if you have no idea where you will spend eternity, then right now, without putting it off another minute, why don’t you make your future certain? Where you spend eternity is YOUR decision 1 John 1:8-9 (NLT) says, “If we claim we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the truth. But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. So, with all sincerity of heart, pray the Prayer of Salvation and become Born Again!


Dear Jesus, I admit I’m a sinner and have sinned against you and others. I believe you died on the Cross for my sins and in my place. I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me from all wrongdoing. I also forgive those who hurt me and ask that you help me to get free from all resentment and pain. Jesus, I surrender my life to you and ask you to be my Lord and Savior. Give me new life—eternal life! Lord, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to live this new life! Amen!


Dear Friends,

At this time, myself as well as many others have embarked on a 21 day fast. The purpose of this fast is not merely to go without food, but to set aside the FIRST part of the year to pray, aligning ourselves with God so that we can follow His plans for us in 2024. This is a powerful act of faith. By putting the Lord and His priorities above our own, we in turn receive more of His favor, a deeper contentment, satisfaction and joy in life! And even though we are not exempt from difficulties, the Lord strengthens us and keeps us focused as go through our troubles.

Aligning ourselves with God is what it means to “follow” Him. I assure you there are more benefits in serving the Lord than I could include in these pages! Personally, I think one of my favorite rewards in walking with the Lord is that He eradicates fear from my life. For many years I have enjoyed the kind of peace where I am not tormented by the past, anxious in the present or afraid of tomorrow and beyond. If you’ve ever wrestled with worry or anxiety, you know that having this kind of calm assurance in your heart and mind is PRICELESS. It is beyond the price of pills and potions—it is more precious than all the gold in this world. And it is free to all who will abandon their own (unsuccessful) efforts of trying to hold their lives together! Peace is a precious gift that is given in exchange for relinquishing control of the life that was never working in the first place!

I love the way The Passion Translation describes Jesus’s purpose and mission: He said in John 10:9-10… “I am the Gateway. to enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!”

Friends, this is what life looks like for the true followers of Jesus! This is what you can expect when you abandon your own opinions and ways of living to follow (emulate and imitate) the behavior and thinking of Jesus! He will uphold your life and fill you to overflowing with His goodness!

In the following pages we’ll look a little deeper into what it means to “Follow the Lord”. I pray these entries will help you in either changing your course in life, or in experiencing greater fruitfulness in your walk with God. As you make it your aim to put God first in your life, may you enjoy all the wonderful things He has planned for you this year!

In His Loving Name,

Life With Father Ministries


“Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” Amos 3:3 (NLT)

The prophet Amos asks this rhetorical question to which the answer “No” – it’s impossible to walk down the same path with someone else without mutually agreeing on the direction and destination! What this means for us in life is that if we’ve made some wrong decisions, we can always change course and begin doing things HIS WAY, while reaping the wonderful benefits that come from living a life that is pleasing to Him!

You see, everyone desires to live a successful life but most of us don’t know how to get there! So, who knows the way of finding and enjoying real, satisfying LIFE?? Certainly the Author of all Life knows the way! And He is ready, even eager to show it to us if we will but listen and obey Him!

   Like Amos 3:3 states, we must agree with Him about some things if we want to move forward into His blessed life. What this means is that if God points out something in our lives such as a bad attitude or character trait, or in the way we treat others that is not pleasing to Him, then we need to repent (change the way we think and act) asking His forgiveness and if necessary, the forgiveness of others.

   David prayed in Psalm 139:23-24 saying, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. (NLT)

   The ways of God are not complicated—even children can understand them! It is only when we make excuses for our sins, cover them up or deny they are there that things go poorly for us! The best thing to do is to be open and honest with the Lord! Listen to the Lord pleading with us to change our ways in Isaiah 1:18-19: “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool. If you will only obey me, you will have plenty to eat.” (NLT)

What a wonderful future belongs to those who will look to the Lord for help and follow (obey) His directions in life! Proverbs 3:5-8 shares God’s unwavering promise to us: Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heartRELY ON HIM TO GUIDE YOU, AND HE WILL LEAD YOU in EVERY DECISION you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. THEN YOU WILL FIND THE HEALING REFRESHMENT YOUR BODY AND SPIRIT LONG FOR.” (TPT)

Take a moment today to read and re-read these passages. Let these words from God sink down and permeate your soul, allowing them bring healing refreshment to your body and spirit!


“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NCV)

Whether we consider ourselves a leader or not, we are leading others every day through our example and lifestyle. You see, to lead simply means to “influence” and whether or not you are aware of it you are influencing those around you. When we take the initiative to return kindness for rudeness, generosity for selfishness, compassion for anger and rage, we are influencing and showing others the way of the Lord! (1 Peter 3:9)

Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy, 4:12, “…be an example to the believers with your words, your actions, your love, your faith, and your pure life.” (NCV) Following simply means that we are to mimic or copy the thinking, motives, speech and behavior of Jesus.

Paul said in 1 Peter 2:21-24, “He had never sinned, and he had never lied. People insulted Christ, but he did not insult them in return. Christ suffered, but he did not threaten. He let God, the One who judges rightly, take care of him. Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so we would stop living for sin and start living for what is right.”

    “Following” indicates MOVEMENT and it requires PARTICIPATION on our part. Following means that we gradually become like the person we follow. In this case we become like Jesus—a person of honesty and integrity (which is a personal choice)! PERSONAL INTEGRITY is vital for a solid life. Think of someone who built a bridge or a building with substandard materials and shoddy workmanship—the building will certainly encounter problems!

Many years ago as a child, my dad decided to build a 2-story addition to our house over the carport. He chose the company with the cheapest bid and the construction began. Shortly after the work was completed and after we had moved in, a problem occurred with the plumbing. The shower and tubs were not draining properly. Workmen came out to identify the problem and correct it. The workers determined that the new 2nd story had not been properly reinforced causing it to sag, putting a kink on the pipes underneath. Nothing was ever done to correct the problem! For years we had to shower while standing in 5 inches of dirty water. I didn’t complain about the situation but I was certainly impacted by the result of poor workmanship!

This is exactly what happens when we live haphazard, sloppy lives. We run into all kinds of problems when we lie or deny truth, deceive, betray or take advantage of others or just plain don’t give our best in life. We begin living in the consequences of own bad choices!

The Good News is that we no longer have to ignore our problems and pretend we’re doing great when in reality, we’re standing in 5 inches of filthy water! We can DECIDE TODAY to make a change in the course and direction our lives are going. We can CHOOSE to surrender our poorly constructed lives to the One who created it to begin with! Today, make the best decision of your life—decide to follow and live by the example Jesus set for us! You’ll never regret it! “Everyone who believes in him will never be disappointed.” Romans 10:11 (TPT)


God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you forever. The problem is …one thing separates you from a relationship with God—sin. You and I sin whenever we fail to live by the Lord’s holy standard. (Romans 3:23) Furthermore, Romans 6:23 explains that the penalty for sin is death—separation from God in hell forever. No matter how hard we try, we cannot save ourselves or get rid of our sins. We can’t earn our way to heaven by being good, going to church, or being baptized. (Eph. 2:8-9)

Understanding how helpless we are because of our sins, God sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us.Jesus Christ lived a perfect, sinless life, and then died on the Cross to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8). Three days later, He rose from the dead—showing that He had triumphed over sin and death once and for all.

So how can you know God? It all starts with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ provides a relationship with the Father and eternal life through His death on the cross and resurrection (Romans 5:10).

Romans 10:9 promises, “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (NLT)

If you have not yet begun your personal relationship with God, understand that the One who created you loves you no matter who you are or what you’ve done. He wants you to experience the profound depth of His care. Therefore, tell God that you are willing to trust Him for Salvation. You can tell Him in your own words or use this simple prayer:


Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus died on the Cross to pay for my sins. I believe Jesus died and rose again after death! Romans 4:25 says that “Jesus was handed over to be crucified for the forgiveness of our sins and was raised back to life to prove that he had made us right with God!” I understand that my salvation is not based on my works but on the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and wash me clean of all evil and filth. I put my faith and trust in Jesus as my only hope for living eternally with you in heaven. I ask Jesus to be my Savior and my Lord. Help me now to live the life that honors you. Thank you for saving me! Amen!


Dear Friends,

   As I sit down to write this letter to you, a New Year is rapidly approaching. A new year never guarantees anyone a new start—for many, it will just be another calendar year. But you know you need LIFE-CHANGE! I’m not talking about starting a religion, I’m talking about starting a BRAND-NEW LIFE—a new way of thinking and living. But your fresh start begins at the END of your old life. 

Today, many of you feel as though your life is stagnant, like a tangled-up pile of string—so much chaos and confusion—it’s a mess! Naturally, you’re overwhelmed by it all because you don’t even know where to begin sorting it all out! Let me give you a hint from a life-long knitter/crocheter! In my many years, I’ve encountered countless knotted masses of yarn and have mastered the technique of straightening them out! With a little patience I’ve learned how to unravel and ball them up so that, instead of being thrown away, the material can be used for a great purpose! So be encouraged today! Your life is NEVER too tangled to be straightened out when you surrender it to the Lord! Nothing is too hard for the Creator! Look what He said in Jeremiah 32:27… “I am the LORD, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?” (NLT)

Your life was always meant to be USEFUL, PURPOSEFUL and POWERFUL! And it all begins by finding the END! Yes, that’s right…finding the end of the string is paramount in untangling the whole mess! But in order to find the end of the string, you must first learn how to relax and loosen the mass. When I need to untangle a mass of yarn, I will gently pull it apart so that I can see how the yarn is tangled. And here is another key principle, in the course of untangling a person’s heart and life—it’s a WORKING PROCESS—meaning, it is a process that takes some patience and time and is worked from the INSIDE OUT! God is not finished with you! He still has great plans for your life! But you must let go of your old ways in order to EMBRACE HIS WAYS! 

In the following pages, we’re going to take a deeper look at what it means to relax our grip on what’s gripping us and even strangling us. We will learn how to surrender the tangled parts of our lives so that we, along with the help of the Holy Spirit (and others), can BEGIN AGAIN!

In His Loving Name,

Life With Father Ministries


“Happy are those who listen to me, watching at my door every day, waiting at my open doorway.” (Proverbs 8:34 NCV) 

The most important piece of information you will ever need in life is to know that you have access to Almighty God through Christ! And with that access comes favor and answered prayer! In the opening verse I want you to noticed that God’s door is NOT SHUT! The Lord has left His door wide-open for us! 

Hebrews 10:19-23 greatly encourages us… “And now we are brothers and sisters in God’s family because of the blood of Jesus, and he welcomes us to come into the most holy sanctuary in the heavenly realm—boldly and without hesitation. For he has dedicated a new, life-giving way for us to approach God. For just as the veil was torn in two, Jesus’ body was torn open to give us free and fresh access to him……And since we now have a magnificent High Priest to welcome us into God’s house, we come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out! So now wrap your heart tightly around the hope that lives within us, knowing that God always keeps his promise!” (TPT)

I love how this passage encourages us to “wrap our hearts tightly around the hope of Jesus”. With one hand we release the things that aren’t working for us and causing us pain such as, worry, fear, anxiety, lies, resentment and anger and with the other hand, grab and hold tightly to TRUTH, who is Jesus. This is the way to find much needed relief for your heart and mind. 

While His doorway is open, we are encouraged to approach and connect with the Lord through heartfelt, sincere PRAYER. Isaiah 55:67 says, “So you should look for the Lord before it is too late; you should call to him while he is near. The wicked should stop doing wrong, and they should stop their evil thoughts. They should return to the Lord so he may have mercy on them. They should come to our God, because he will freely forgive.” (NCV) I want to encourage you to feel very sure that you can come before God’s throne today and speak freely as Hebrews 4:16 states, “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” (NLT) 

No matter what you are facing today, the Lord can calm your inner fears and bring you an assurance (peace) that He is working things out on your behalf. Humbly go to Him in prayer today. Unload your burdens and obtain forgiveness. Let Him comb through your heart’s tangled web of lies, hostility, pride and resentment. Decide to trust Him today and let Him direct you into a new path that is both full and fulfilling!


“Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of his glad welcome.” (Ephesians 3:12 NLT) 

“Ahhh”—it’s the sound of relief; like when someone takes a long sip of cold water on a hot summer day. “Ahhh” can also be the expression of realization as when understanding illuminates our minds. It’s the wonderful excitement of brand-new insight that inspires the soul bringing about a new way of thinking and living! 

The World English Dictionary defines “assurance” as; a promise or pledge of support, freedom from doubt, or certainty. God has made a covenant with us, signed in His own blood and has sworn by Himself that the covenant is good. His Word is our guarantee and assurance that He will fulfill all His promises to us. 

At the end of a frustrating day, I entered into prayer. I can’t say I was feeling all that “holy.” On the contrary, I couldn’t even recount how many mistakes I had made that day (and a few of them were repeated ones!) Ever been there? Days when you’re not sure how to approach the Lord in prayer because you are unsure of your standing with Him so you just put it off altogether? But eventually you realize there’s nowhere else to go—not just to gain forgiveness but strength and peace for your soul. And so, as I went to Lord in prayer the Holy Spirit brought the opening verse to mind. Note that it was the Holy Spirit who brought this scripture to mind because He was the One who initiated the conversation (prayer) in the first place. He was the one who tugged on my heart to pray and He used this scripture to remind me that it was ok to approach Him. It was as if the King of Kings was extending His royal scepter to me indicating that because of Christ I could approach His throne with confidence. 

Ephesians 2:18 encourages us saying, “Now we all have received the same Holy Spirit, because of what Christ has done for us. As a result, we can all come near to God the Father.” (EASY)

That day you could say that I was given “Ahhh-surance” of His glad welcome! Instead of heaping on more condemnation, He washed away the guilt and shame and embraced me with open arms. And this is the nature of who Jesus is. He knows when we are sincerely sorry and how much we need His love and acceptance over condemnation. The Holy Spirit is the One who brings the “ahhh” into our lives. He is the only One who can bring insight as well as much needed rest and refreshment. 

The great Jehov-ahhh God IS the refreshment you desperately need and He gladly welcomes you into His presence! Jesus went through so much suffering and effort in order to open the way for you to come to the Father. Are you taking advantage of this free access to Almighty God?


“My heart has heard you say, ‘Come and talk with me.’ And my heart responds, ‘LORD, I am coming.’” (Psalm 27:8 NLT)

The BEGINNING of any new relationship in life requires communication… especially a relationship with the Lord! Unfortunately, our minds can get tangled up with negative thoughts and worries and we forget to bring these things to the Lord in prayer. We complain and express our frustration to people who have no power to remedy our situation. But remember, we have access to the One who can calm us down all the while intervening in our life’s situations.

Too many times I believe we all “think” about praying without actually praying. But when our minds begin to wonder into dangerous territory (negativity, depression, hopelessness, and despondency) we need to heed the Holy Spirit’s call to consciously bring our concerns to the only One who can give us peace.

And this is God’s message to us in a nutshell! He is with us, He is for us, He is IN us, and He wants us to connect with Him on a heart level so that we can receive all the strength and encouragement we need at the time we need it!

David said in Psalm 42:1-4, “I cry aloud to the LORD; I lift up my voice to the LORD for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble. When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way.” (NIV) Notice that David didn’t pour out his complaint to other people, but He knew he could be candid and open with His God! The Lord knows the way before us. So in times of stress when our spirit grows faint, the Lord knows just how to sustain us and give us wisdom and encouragement to get through it!

And here’s another thought, there are times when the Lord will allow a situation to frustrate us just so that we learn to go to Him in prayer first, before anything or anyone else. Why? Because He longs for us to get to know Him on a personal level. He wants us to learn who He is and how to trust Him with everything. Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.” (TPT) 

So today, go to the Lord in prayer and pour out all your worries and stress (and leave them there) for He faithfully awaits to give you strength for your journey!

“Pour out all your worries and stress upon him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 (TPT)


“Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I’m back home in the house of God for the rest of my life.” Psalm 23:6 (MSG) 

There are a variety of things we can allow to chase us! Instead of facing and dealing with them, we can be on the run from a multitude of problems and difficulties. Worry and fear can be a constant weight in the back of our minds causing us anxiety and unrest! The WORST thing to do when weighed down by troubles is to run faster to try and escape them! Have you noticed yet that that doesn’t work? The problems never go away. Once the anesthesia wears off, the weight and pain of what you’re running from only intensifies. In order to get free, you must STOP and SURRENDER your problems as well as yourself to the Lord. Only then can God’s goodness overtake and overflow from you. 

As I thought about the opening scripture, a picture came to mind of my late cat, Chico. Chico loved to dart out of any opened door especially since he wasn’t allowed outside. The outdoors was his forbidden fruit that he couldn’t resist! Time after time, he would run out of the door but as soon as I caught up with him in the flower bed, he froze. When he saw me coming, he would crouch down and be still because HE HATED BEING CHASED! As soon as he was still, I would pick up his limp body and take him back inside.

The way I see it, we can’t thoroughly enjoy life when worry or anxiety are tailing close behind us! But here’s the Good News…when you and I find ourselves being chased by the burdens of this life, i.e., How can I make a living and feed my family, where am I going to live, etc., we can get free by surrendering these problems and ourselves to Jesus. No matter how heavy or complicated your situation is, the process is still the same. Stop running, stop ignoring your issues or trying to find a way around your problems but surrender yourself to the Lord and receive His wonderful guidance and peace! This is something that is learned through practice! 

Psalm 55:22 clearly says, “So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you.” (TPT) Sounds like someone whose been there, done that, and learned how to get free and stay free through trial, error, and life experiences. Yep, it’s something that is worked out personally.

If you are struggling today, do your best to remain calm and let go of your anxiety. Allow the peace of God to settle upon you. At first, you may have to continually and purposefully stop your racing mind in order to maintain this peace but the Holy Spirit will help you in this endeavor as you reach out to Him in prayer. And your prayers will not be in vain…He is ALWAYS ready to help in time of need! 

“God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble—more than enough and always available whenever I need you.” Psalm 46:1-2 (TPT)


“I will feed the poor in my pasture; the needy will lie down in peace.” (Isaiah 14:30 NLT)

One day I participated in a fall festival at an assisted living home. During the course of the festival a young boy came up to my booth asking for help because his grandmother had gotten her fingers stuck in a chair. I rushed over and sure enough two of her fingers were jammed into the triangular hinge of a folding metal chair. I ran over to the popcorn booth to see if I could get some oil to lubricate her fingers and get them free. All I could find was a small bottle of hand sanitizer so I took that and poured it on her fingers. I pressed the tip of her fingers while gently pulling on the other side and without any struggle her fingers immediately slipped right out!

This incident came to mind one day during my quiet time with the Lord. I had been unsettled, kind of uncertain and confused as well as little frustrated because I was seeking clarity on some things but couldn’t seem to get it. As my thoughts tossed around, this incident came to mind and I realized what the Lord was trying to tell me.

When you are frustrated and feel as if you are tossing and turning things over in your mind, when you keep pushing or pulling on things and they just won’t budge (like the lady’s fingers) then you need to just stop what you are doing and ask the Holy Spirit for help. He will come to your rescue in no time with His anointing oil and His deep peace will get you free. Your circumstance may not immediately change (the woman was freed while still sitting in her chair!) but your heart and mind will certainly be set free.

Today, God says to you, be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) What can you do by struggling and striving? What good is progress when you have no peace? If you will lay down what you are struggling with, I will give you success WITH my peace. The Lord wants to pour His wonderful peace and joy into your heart and mind that is not contingent on your circumstances. It is a heavenly thing that will change your life forever! If you feel as if you are jammed between a rock and a hard place allow the Lord to free your heart and mind. His great grace is sufficient to keep you at peace in any circumstance.

Fill your mind with these thoughts… they never get old!

“Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ. Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. Put into practice the example of all that you have heard from me or seen in my life and the God of peace will be with you in all things.” Philippians 4:6-9 (TPT)


“‘…your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine. I am the sprouting vine and you’re my branches. As you live in union with me as your source, fruitfulness will stream from within you—but when you live separated from me you are powerless…  if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done.’” John 15:4-7 (TPT)

Plain and simple, supernatural strength to live the Christian life can only be found in the One who is supernatural! He is our source for everything we need in life! For example, if you needed to charge up your cell phone, you would simply plug it into an electrical outlet. The cell phone is not self-sustaining (and neither are we!) The phone must draw power from a power source. And since the nature of “charging up” is not instant, it takes some time while the phone is “plugged in” and stationary in order for it to download all the power it needs to function properly on a daily basis.

Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” (NLT) The word “still” here is the Hebrew word “Raphah” meaning: to sink down, let drop, relax, abate, let go… and my favorite definition—to show oneself slack! The word “know” is the word “yada’” meaning: to learn to know, to know by experience, and to reveal oneself. This reminds me of the time Jesus assured His disciples in John 14:21 saying, “Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.” (NLT)

David said it this way in Psalm 131:2, “I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (NLT) 

David knew that God would not force him to quiet his anxious mind, but it was something he learned through regular practice! There are so many spiritual principles and concepts that Jesus introduced to us that cannot be understood with the natural mind because they must be personally experienced! 

Remember the word “still” means, “to know by experience.” In other words, the only way we can fully understand how to get quiet, or to receive supernatural power from the Holy Spirit is by experiencing it for ourselves. It is something that is found and discovered through personal and quiet prayer. 

So, let’s not complain that our appliances (or lives) don’t work when we have not even attempted to plug them into the power source. Connect with the Lord in prayer today. Do it simply, honestly, and with child-like faith. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you and to restore your strength and faith in Him. Let Him recharge, refresh your spirit, soul, and body just like He said

He would in Matthew 11:28, “I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.” (TPT)


Jesus said in John 3:3-7, “‘I assure you, unless you are born again, you can never see the Kingdom of God.’… ‘The truth is, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. So don’t be surprised at my statement that you must be born again.’” (NLT)

It doesn’t matter how good we are—trying to be a good person will never get us into Heaven because salvation is a GIFT from God! What matters is a receiving a NEW NATURE! We must admit we are sinners and are in need of a Savior—Jesus Christ. If you need a new nature then all you need to do is simply believe and ask God for it! “When people work, they earn wages. It can’t be considered a free gift, because they earned it. But no one earns God’s righteousness. It can only be transferred when we no longer rely on our own works, but believe in the one who powerfully declares the ungodly to be righteous in his eyes. It is faith that transfers God’s righteousness into your account!” Romans 4:4-5 (TPT)

If you are not sure where you will spend eternity (and by the way there are only TWO places of eternal residency—with Jesus or without Him!) Today, without putting it off another minute, why don’t you make your future certain and secure. With all sincerity of heart, you can pray the following prayer and be assured of eternal Salvation. And get into a good church as soon as possible so that you can grow spiritually (this is also non-negotiable if you want to mature in your faith).


Dear Jesus, I’m so sorry for all the things I’ve done throughout my life. Not only have I been hurt, but I’ve perpetuated that hurt on others. The Bible says that the punishment for sin is certain death. (Romans 6:23) But you took my place and died so that I could be free from selfishness and sin and have eternal life. I acknowledge that you died for me and I accept your death as payment for my sins. Please Jesus, come into my life, make me a new person. Unravel my twisted mind, heal my broken and shattered heart, and remove my callousness and rebellious ways. I choose to make you my Lord and Savior. Guide me and help me to choose what is right so that I can live the kind of life that is pleasing to you. Thank you, Jesus, for your great sacrifice on the Cross. Thank you for giving me eternal life! Amen.